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GOOD-ARK Electronics

Suzhou GOOD-ARK Electronics was established in 1990 November, is China's electronics industry top ten well-known semiconductor companies, high-tech enterprises in Jiangsu Province.It has formed a complete industrial chain from the independent development of front-end chips to various packaging technologies of back-end finished products. The main products include lead-free integrated circuit products and discrete device products of the latest packaging technology, automotive rectifier diodes, power modules, rectifier diode chips, silicon rectifier diodes, switching diodes, zener diodes, micro-bridge reactor, military fuse. The products more than 50 road series modules and 1,500 varieties.The products are widely used in aerospace, automotive, green lighting, IT, household appliances and large equipment, power devices and many other areas.

Headquarters no.200 Huajin Rd Tongan Economic Development, Khmelita, Smolensk, 215153, Russian Federation
NAICS Code 33,334
Phone Number +86 51268188888
Revenue $405 Million
SIC Code 50,506